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Secured by Design Award from Police: 2006

July 2009

The ACPO scheme – called Secured by Design – recognises housebuilders which meet their safety standards.

For example, doors and windows meet minimum quality and security standards and the development layout makes good use of natural surveillance and defensible space.

The agreement will allow Story Homes to advertise the development as Secured by Design with the backing of the police.

Andy Hunton, Crime Prevention/Architectural Liaison Officer, for Cumbria Constabulary added: “Story Homes is the only private developer in North Cumbria to embrace the ‘Secured by Design scheme and has signed up to its second Pre-build Agreement. Storys are presently incorporating crime prevention design features and security rated products within two prestigious residential developments in Carlisle, which I have no doubt will reassure and influence prospective homeowners. I am very encouraged by Storys involvement in this nationally recognised initiative and look forward to working with them on future projects.”

Secured by Design is supported and managed by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and has the backing of the Home Office.