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Show Homes officially open on High Wood development in Lancaster

March 2014

Lancaster Show Home

Show Homes at High Wood Development, Lancaster

Story Homes will be opening two show homes this weekend, showcasing the new build element of the Lancaster Moor development.

Story Homes is building 197 homes at the development in Lancaster on land surrounding the former Lancaster Moor hospital. The show homes on the ‘High Wood’ development will be officially opened this week by Story Homes and landowner the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).

Story Homes received planning permission for the development in May 2013, with the development supporting the conversion of the nearby former hospital building and adjacent Campbell House into a mix of 135 apartments and townhouses.

Work started on the site in July 2013, including access improvements from Quernmore Road. The first few properties are now completed, including the two show homes. Sales on the development have exceeded all expectations, with the popularity of High Wood evident from the beginning of the project when 420 people signed up to the mailing list.

Lancaster High Wood Streetscene

High Wood Development in Lancaster

Marie Hodgson, Head of Area for Lancashire and Cumbria at the HCA, said: “Lancaster Moor is a great scheme in a superb location. Over the last few years, we’ve arrested its decline and prepared it for redevelopment. The old buildings are now being restored and we’re creating hundreds of much-needed homes across the site.”

Steve Errington, Chief Executive of Story Homes said: “High Wood is Story Homes’ first development in Lancashire and we are delighted with the success of the project to date. We are excited to be able to offer customers this opportunity to take a look around our show homes in Lancaster and find out more about Story Homes. We have seen sales and interest exceed our expectations and we are confident that this will only further improve when we open the two new show homes.”

The show homes will be open to the public from Friday 28 March 10.30am – 4.30pm.