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Site preparation work taking place in Maryport, Cumbria

July 2016

Local residents in Maryport may start to see Story Homes in the town, as enabling work on site begins on the Netherall Road development. Story Homes received planning permission for 152 high quality homes in Maryport in 2013 following consultation with the local community.

A small amount of preparation work for development will happen over the next weeks, including the lowering of a wall which is adjacent to the footpath, as well as the removal of a tree to create a safe opening for a future junction.

The work has been planned to cause minimal disruption to the nearby High School and the wider local community. Temporary traffic lights will be in place for just one day (Tuesday 2 August), and residents are asked to use the footpath on the opposite side of the road while work takes place on the wall.

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