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STAR Awards recognise colleague achievement

April 2013

Story Homes first annual STAR Awards took place at the weekend, celebrating staff achievement from 2012/13.Story Homes Star Awards at Carlisle Racecourse : 20 April 2013 JONATHAN BECKER

The internal awards recognise colleagues who have achieved great things over the past year. Colleagues are encouraged to nominate their peers, leaders or team members in five categories;

– Innovation and Improvement

– Leadership

– Unsung hero

– Teamwork and

– STAR Award

The winners of each award were:

Innovation and Improvement – Mark Warren

Leadership – Duncan Chisholm

Teamwork, site based – Sales Team

Teamwork, office based – Planning, Design and Engineering

Unsung Hero, site based – George Relph

Unsung Hero, office based – Derek Edgar

‘STAR’ Award – Andrew Hewson

The event was held at Carlisle Racecourse with colleagues and their partners enjoying dinner, the awards ceremony and entertainment.

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