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Customer case study: The Butler

February 2024

Rosie, Tom, and their dog Ralph moved into their 3-bedroom Butler at Brookfield Woods, in Middlesbrough back in July 2021. We caught up with them to find out why they chose Brookfield Woods, and what makes The Butler the perfect Story home for them.

Read our Q&A to find out more, or go straight to our guide about The Butler.

Why did you choose The Butler?

The Butler was the first show home we ever went into, and instantly fell in love. We loved the layout of the en-suite master bedroom and the utility room. The external aesthetic of the home from the outside was also a bonus.”

What made you choose the Brookfield Woods development?

“We chose this development because of its design and layout. We also love the local area, especially being so close to the North Yorkshire Moors.”

Which room do you find yourselves spending the most time in?

“We spend most of our time in the living room; this is definitely the family area for us. The built-in media wall is an added touch that makes it the perfect place to relax and unwind in the evening.”

What do you like most about living in a new build home? 

“It stays warm in the winter and we love how low maintenance it is. Plus we always knew we wanted a new build. Story Homes allowing us to customise everything and add our own final touches to our taste is what sealed the deal. It’s like decorating a blank canvas.”

Did you consider other housebuilders and if yes, why did you choose Story Homes?

“We did go to view other housebuilders in the area, but nothing compared to The Butler and the level of standard specification that came with it!”

Would you recommend Story Homes?

“Yes absolutely! We have let all our friends and family know how impressed we are with Story Homes as a company!”