Many of us feed the birds, but it helps if you can put out a mixed range of feed.
Make fatballs by melting suet into a mould. Sparrows and nuthatches like seeds and grains, and wrens will appreciate leftover cheese. Wire feeders are a good idea for peanuts, and you can also buy special seed feeders.
Bats hibernate through the Winter but put up bat boxes from garden centres ready for next year.
Frogs and toads
British amphibians also hibernate, and need areas away from ponds such as log piles, under stones and in compost heaps – so careful when turning those over!
Hedgehogs sleep the Winter away in hedge bottoms and under piles of leaves. Make sure not to disturb them!
Insects are major pollinators and feed other birds and animals. Help yours with a bug hotel from wildlife and garden shops.