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Plans submitted for up to 117 new homes on land behind Cross Croft, Appleby

November 2023

We recently submitted a detailed planning application to Westmorland and Furness Council which seeks planning permission to bring up to 117 new homes to Appleby. The development will be located on land accessed off Bongate and behind Cross Croft, which is allocated for housing within the adopted Eden District Local Plan.

Our proposals will deliver a mix of high quality new homes ranging from two to six-bedrooms and includes bungalows and a number of accessible and adaptable homes in line with the requirements of the Local Plan. The scheme will feature some of our most popular house types from the Story Collection range. These energy efficient homes will benefit from Electric Vehicle charging points, Photovoltaic Panels and A rated appliances.

Image of Appleby layout | Story Homes

Paul Fenton, Land Manger at Story Homes said: “We are very pleased to have submitted our plans to deliver up to 117 new homes in Appleby-in-Westmorland. We had hoped to submit our application much sooner, but our proposals have been significantly affected by the matter of Nutrient Neutrality.

“The land is allocated for residential development in the adopted Local Plan, and the proposed scheme will deliver high quality new homes to meet the area’s housing need. The proposals aim to build upon the success of our previously completed development in Appleby, Orchard Place, and the scheme has been designed to reflect the character and local distinctiveness of the area.

“Appleby is an attractive market town on the edge of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Beauty with excellent transport connections. Our development will deliver energy efficient homes, and enhance the vitality of the town, creating employment opportunities for local subcontractors and the supply chain.”

We hope to receive a planning decision in 2024 . To find out more about the scheme please click here.