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Seasonal trends: Halloween

October 2020

October is here and we can’t quite believe it’s nearly Halloween. This is one of our favourite times of the year, where we can have a bit of fun with the décor on both the inside and outside of our homes.

Whilst how we celebrate Halloween may be a bit different this year, our homes needn’t be – whether it’s a simple carved pumpkin, cobwebs hanging from the staircase, or Frankensteins that jump out and instil fear in your visitors, our homes are the perfect place to embrace the holiday and entertain little ones.

@ourarundelstory have added some really nice Halloween touches to their kitchen. We love the themed tea towels, ceramic pumpkins and autumnal wreath:

If it’s inspiration for outside your home that you’re looking for, this home at Waterside in Cottam takes the medal:

Have you decorated your Story home for Halloween? Tag us in your spooky pictures @storyhomes