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Sparkle for Christmas

November 2016

Can sparkles ever be the height of taste? You bet they can at Christmas, you’d have to be a Grinch not to love a bit of glitz and glitter. It’s time to wave your magic wand and get some super sparkle into your life.

This year, there’s a real trend for using all that glitters to give our homes the festive makeover of their lives.

The sweet Scandinavian ‘folk’ look is still popular of course, all gingham and hand-knits and there are even those who are opting for a black Christmas tree this year. It might match the décor but perhaps not the spirt of Christmas.

But there’s something in almost all of us that longs for Christmas to sparkle like a snowflake, and for Christmas 2016, we think it’s definitely time to indulge your inner child!

You can be as subtle or as ‘out there’ as you want to be with your sparkles by selecting a cool colour palette and sticking to it – or go all out with a wealth of gold or a multi-coloured explosion of decorations.

One tip is to mix and match your glittering accessories with plain backgrounds so it doesn’t become overwhelming – for instance, a single colour tablecloth looks fabulous with some silver chargers beneath the plates and a bowl of shining baubles as a centrepiece.

Top tips: Look for sparkly tablecloths, golden stag ornaments, sequinned seasonal cushions and star-shaped candles. Twinkle, twinkle!