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Story Homes set to bring 260 new homes to Darlington after securing planning permission

January 2024

We are pleased to announce we have been given the green light to construct 260 high-quality homes on land adjacent to Station Road in Middleton St George, Darlington.

Darlington Borough Council’s Planning Committee, in its meeting on January 10 2024, resolved to grant planning consent for the development, pending the finalisation of the Section 106 Agreement (S106*).

The exclusive new development will comprise a variety of 2, 3, 4, and 5-bedroom homes, designed with modern, open-plan living spaces and distinctive exteriors, showcasing our renowned street scenes.

The project aims to address the local housing needs by providing a range of family homes, including 52 affordable homes, 24 of which are bungalows.

Amanda Stephenson, North-East Land Manager for Story Homes, said: “We are delighted at obtaining approval of our proposals for the Middleton St George scheme, which is a testament to Story Homes’ commitment to meeting the growing demand for housing, while providing affordable homes for the local community and supporting the long-term sustainability and growth of the local area.”

Construction works for the highly anticipated Middleton St George development are scheduled to commence later this year. This exciting milestone, in conjunction with the upcoming launch of our Beaumont Grange development, will bring a total of 362 high-quality homes to the Darlington borough, offering a diverse range of opportunities for prospective buyers.

*S106 refers to a Section 106 Agreement, a legal agreement between local authorities and developers to address the impact of new developments on the community.