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Story Homes submits plans to bring its high quality homes to Culcheth

November 2023

We recently submitted plans to Warrington Borough Council which seek permission to bring 187 new homes to Culcheth.

Image of site layout for Culcheth | Story Homes

The development, which will be our first in the Warrington area, is proposed on land at Warrington Road/Holcroft Lane, and benefits from a draft residential allocation in the emerging Local Plan for Warrington, which is expected to be formally adopted early in 2024. Whilst we will build and sell 186 of the proposed homes, the plans also seek permission for the delivery of one self-build plot.

The scheme includes a mix of one to six-bedroom new homes, with 30% of the properties earmarked to be affordable homes. There will be a range of house types available including bungalows, apartments, semi-detached and detached homes. The plans also incorporate a large area of open space running through the development, and a Local Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) for use by both new and existing residents in the area.

Siobhan Sweeny, Land Manager for Story Homes North West said: “The submission of our application is an exciting step forward for our business as we continue to venture into new areas of the north west. Following a period of consultation with statutory consultees and the public, we’ve worked hard to design a scheme that takes into account the local context, and the needs and opinions of the local community.

“The high quality, high specification homes we deliver are designed with modern living in mind and feature flexible open plan layouts. These are matched by attractive, unique street scenes.”

We hope for a decision on the application within 2024. To find out more about the proposals click here.