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Story Homes submits plans to redevelop another brownfield site in the North East

December 2023

We recently submitted plans to redevelop the site of the former Marley Tiles factory in Northumberland, near Ebchester on the County Durham border. The submission of this application follows our recent planning success to redevelop the brownfield site of the Ever Ready battery production factory in Tanfield, County Durham together with planning for sixty new homes in Alnwick, Northumberland.

Image of Marley Tiles CGI street scene

The Marley Tiles scheme, which will deliver 61 high quality new homes, has been sensitively designed, taking into consideration the local landscape context, and includes three distinctive character areas set across the three different levels of the site. The development process has involved a public consultation and ongoing engagement with key stakeholders to inform the design process, making sure the development will represent locally distinctive Northumberland values.

The ‘Farm’, ‘Village’ and ‘Woodland’ character areas will be defined by the choice of elevational treatments, creating the striking street scenes for which we are renowned, and will fit together seamlessly through the inclusion of landscaping and open space areas, with a village green at the heart of the newly created community. The development includes improved habitats for wildlife, and the high specification new homes will benefit from various sustainability features, such as electric vehicle charging points, low carbon heating systems and triple A rated appliances.

Planning Manager, Richard Swann said: “I’m delighted that we’ve submitted our planning application to redevelop the land at the former Marley Tiles factory. The project team have worked extremely hard to ensure that the final scheme is sympathetic to its local surroundings, responds to the design aesthetics of rural Northumberland and takes into consideration the needs of the local community.

“If our plans are approved, we can transform this derelict, previously developed land into a safe attractive residential area.”

We hope for a planning decision by Summer 2024.