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The Eden Gate show home solution

February 2017

If you ever need any help in imagining what it’s like to live in your dream home, our exquisite Cumbrian show home in Eden Gate, Houghton, provides the perfect guide.

Wander through the four-bedroomed detached ‘Boston’ show home and you’ll find a stylishly-designed space with a feeling of hotel luxe, thanks to opulent finishing touches and contemporary lines.

Renowned designer Suzanne Webster has created a sophisticated scheme by using an on-trend neutral palette and stylish furniture choices.

The colours make the most of the natural light that flows through the lovely home from the bay windows of the lounge and master bedroom and the French doors in the open-plan kitchen/diner.

Finishing touches create a sense of style. Suzanne has kept the colours natural, from the sleek modern kitchen to the elegant natural colours of the tiles in the bathrooms and en-suite, and this creates real flow throughout the home.

Luxurious cushions and throws in the bedrooms, deep-padded headboards and touches of glass and chrome throughout make this show home the perfect example of contemporary family living with style.

Why not pay a visit and get some inspiration for your own Story dream home? Eden Gate is near Carlisle and has a collection of house types with something for everyone.