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Why we love our Summerpark home

November 2016

Our Summerpark development in Dumfries is already proving itself to be a community packed with great stories.

The development was popular from the start, thanks to its range of high-quality, high-specification homes and extra special features – such as the new gastro-pub, Lockard’s Farm, that opened its doors next to the development in 2015.

When fireman Brian McCullock, 50, moved to a four-bedroom detached ‘Carlisle’ house in 2011, his family liked it so much they followed him.

Brian’s brother, transport manager Alan, 53, was so impressed with Summerpark that he chose a three-bedroom ‘Carrick’ semi-detached house in 2012.

And when Alan’s son Andy, 30, fiancée Emma, 27, and children Aiden and Sophie, six and three, needed a stylish new home, there was only one choice…

Alan said: “It was evident to me and the family that Story Homes offer great value for money – the quality speaks for itself when you compare it to other new homes.”


For more information about Summerpark in Dumfries click here