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Story Homes and Story Contracting create pasture for rescued racehorses

August 2018

Story Homes has worked together with sister company, Story Contracting, to create a new enclosure for rescued racehorses after the old one was ruined by flooding in 2015.

Story Homes supplied 140 tonnes of top soil from our Aspen Grange development in Carlisle, and Story Contracting delivered the soil to Carlisle’s Racehorse Rescue Centre and levelled it off to create a new pasture for the animals.

The centre re-homes vulnerable or unwanted racehorses and runs free programmes for veterans, the disabled and troubled young adults to help build confidence and educate them in animal welfare. The area will be used as a ‘chill-out zone’ for the eight animals at the centre so they can socialise, recover from injuries, graze and learn to become equine therapy horses. One of the horses at the centre, Switcharooney, was once owned by footballer Wayne Rooney.

Sarah Davies, Charity Guardian for the centre, said: “We noticed you had a lot of top soil at Aspen Grange and because we were aware of other work you have done in the community we thought we would ask for your help. When the floods happened in 2015 it washed a lot of the soil away and we ended up with a great big swimming pool out there. We could never have transformed this area ourselves and couldn’t have afforded to pay for it due to our charity status so your help has been hugely beneficial to us. We can’t thank you enough.”