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Story Homes meets up with pupils from Ellel St John’s Primary School in Lancaster

September 2016

Story Homes recently visited pupils from Year 4 at Ellel St John’s Primary School in Lancaster who have been studying persuasive writing, as part of their writing assessment for the national curriculum. Their topic was to write persuasive letters, and as a class they came up with one letter.

The children, aged eight and nine, all wrote individual letters to tell us what it was like going to school next door to our housing development The Silks.

ian-holly-and-thea-looking-at-plansYear 4 students Holly and Lola wrote the class letter and using persuasive language asked Story Homes to support them with their outdoor classroom project, they said: “Our teacher bought, levelled and laid the patio for our outdoor classroom in the summer and we have wanted to build a Pergola ever since. So we would love to ask Story Homes to help us to finish our outdoor classroom”.

We also met the school eian-and-eco-councilco-council, made up from children in reception to Year 6. They presented their findings on ecology around the school and had lots of questions for us about working on a new housing building site.


Production Manager Ian Lively, said: “It was great to meet the all the children and see they have a passion for looking after their environment. We are delighted to be working with the school and are pleased to be funding the installation of the much needed Pergola to finish off the Year 4 outdoor classroom.

“Considering some of the children were very young, they asked some really insightful questions and I was very impressed at how much information they were taking on board about building new homes.

“The eco-council were particularly concerned about the welfare of the wildlife and animals. I was able to take them through the process of starting on a building site and the ecology reports we produce for every development. Building a sustainable development is so important to Story Homes and ensuring wildlife is protected is at the heart of what we do.”
ian-kathy-and-kids-at-table-stood-up-600x600Cathy Thomas, Headteacher at Ellel St John’s Primary school said: “We are delighted that Story Homes have responded so positively to the pupils’ request for help. The children were reassured to hear about the work Story Homes undertake when building new houses to care for the environment around their developments. We are looking forward to developing and strengthening our relationship with our new neighbours over the coming months.”

The Silks is an executive development of 2, 3 and 4-bedroom homes, all designed and built to a high specification. It boasts a stylish mix of attractive homes ranging from apartments, terraced, semi-detached and detached homes, so there is something for everyone.

For further information contact Tracey at The Silks on 01524 753029. The marketing suite and show homes are open Thursday to Monday from 10.30am to 5.30pm.