Story Homes is pursuing full planning permission for new houses in Kirkham. Story Homes has taken a conditional contract on land off Blackpool Road from Bloor Homes, who had already secured outline planning permission on the land in November 2013.
Full planning permission will be sought for up to 117 high quality houses and apartments with up to 30% of these being affordable.
David Hayward, Development Planner for Story Homes, said: “The proposed development will help to address the housing requirements in the borough and will bring with it a number of economic benefits, including jobs for local people during the development phase. We are pleased to be working in the Fylde area and we look forward to bringing our award-winning homes to Kirkham.”
The land was acquired by Story Homes from Bloor Homes after a tender process, with Story Homes chosen as the preferred bidder in early 2014. Feedback received from the public after the initial Bloor Homes consultation helped to shape Story Homes’ plans before they were submitted at the start of September.