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Story staff zip slide to fundraising and fancy dress success for hospice

June 2013

Story staff zip slide to fundraising and fancy dress success for hospice Three members of staff from Story Homes and Story Contracting raised more than £1,600 by taking part in a 185ft Carlisle zip wire.

The trio raised over £800 for Eden Valley Hospice by daring to do the zip wire at Brunton Park, and all the while wearing fancy dress!

The Story companies, who have chosen the hospice as their charity of the year, matched the fundraising efforts to make a total donation of £1,677.

Leah Armstrong, Assistant Accountant, Ian Wood, Commercial Manager, and Tracy Calvert, PR and Communications Manager all braved the zip wire in front of colleagues, friends and family.

Leah decided to take part in the zip slide after witnessing the courage of a family friend who is suffering from cancer. She said: “Although my friend is very poorly, she is so positive and interested in other people. Cancer patients go through so much when they undertake treatment to fight the disease and it’s something out of their control.

“Although I am absolutely petrified of heights, my fear is nothing compared to what my friend and others go through when dealing with cancer. I really wanted to give something back and the hospice seemed like the perfect place to support.”

Ian added: “I did the zip slide as a bit of a dare but it was a fantastic experience and for a great local cause. I really enjoyed it and my friends and kids had fun seeing Dad dressed up and making a fool of himself.”