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Street scenes released for Willows Edge in Wrea Green, Lancashire

December 2016

We have released two new street scenes for our new development Willows Edge in Wrea Green, Lancashire.

The development will consist of 86 homes, and will boost the supply of new homes and make a positive contribution towards the supply of affordable housing in the area.

Sales for Willows Edge will launch at an exclusive invite only event in the New Year prior to general release. General sales will then be from the marketing suite at Willows Edge off Willow Drive in Wrea Green. The marketing suite is due to open on site in Spring 2017.


Sales Manager, Richard Kitson said, “Wrea Green will feature a stunning collection of three, four and five-bedroom semi detached and detached homes, offering up to a generous 2,138 sq ft of living space.

“As well as boasting our prestige specification interiors these homes will complement the existing character of the village and provide open space for use by the whole community.

“The location is absolutely fantastic. We are in the first phase of site setup, which includes setting up the marketing suite, then laying down the infrastructure, roads and sewers. In a few weeks we will be able to start building the foundations of the first plots, including the show home which will open in Autumn next year.”

Construction of the high quality homes is underway, with the first residents due to move in Autumn 2017.

To register for an invite to the exclusive launch event please contact or visit the development page.