We’re backing ‘New Homes Week 18’ which runs from 14 to 20 May and is organised by the Home Builders Federation.
New Homes Week is aimed at promoting the benefits of buying a newly-built home instead of older properties previously lived in.
With buyers becoming more selective than ever, both existing home owners and those looking to get their foot on the property ladder are now looking to new builds as a more attractive option than older properties.
The benefits of a new build include higher energy efficiency, guaranteed quality and the fact that a new house is a ‘blank canvas’ which buyers can decorate to suit their tastes and lifestyles. There are also financial incentives and assistance for buying new homes which are not available when buying second-hand properties.
Over the past year we have built nearly 1,000 new homes in aspirational areas across Cumbria, South Scotland, the North West and North East. New homes provide flexibility for buyers who don’t have the time or savings to invest in refurbishing an older property.
The benefits of purchasing a new home are wide reaching and financially significant.
We have a number of developments available across the North of England with a range of house styles catering for everyone from first time buyers, those with a growing family and those wishing to downsize.
However, what is most important is our commitment to develop and support new communities and to integrate our new homes into existing cities, towns and villages.
There’s a vast range of incentives to help buyers, such as the Help to Buy scheme available on new build properties priced up to £600,000 which is extremely beneficial to those looking for a helping hand onto the property ladder or those looking to move up. With Help to Buy available at all of Story Homes’ developments, you only need to save a 5% deposit and the Government provides a 20% equity loan, with the remaining 75% of the purchase covered by the mortgage.
To follow the conversation on New Homes Week, please visit Home Builders Federation’s website or follow the action live on Twitter using the hashtag #NHW18.