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Christmas & New Year opening times

December 2018

We wanted to inform you of our opening times over Christmas and New Year and what to do if you have an emergency.

Our offices in Carlisle, Newcastle and Chorley are closed from 3.00pm on Friday 21 December 2018 and re-open at 8.00am on Thursday 3 January 2019.

Our marketing suites and site offices also close on Friday 21 December 2018 and re-open on Thursday 3 January 2019.

Our Customer Aftercare department is closed during this period too and emails are not monitored during this time. If you have an emergency, please contact our out of hours provider NPA on 01228 404566.

We hope that you have a very happy and enjoyable festive season. From all of us at Story Homes, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

See you in 2019!