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Annual awards recognise colleague achievements

April 2015

Story Homes held its annual STAR Awards event at Carlisle Racecourse at the weekend. The event celebrated staff successes from across the business.

Colleagues submitted over 100 nominations across the different categories as they recognised each others talents, successes and achievements.

Winners were:

Health, Safety and Environmental Award: Gary Turner and Paul Tate from Shotley Bridge

Innovation and Improvement: Amy Young (recycling initiative)

Leadership: John Jackson

Teamwork – site based: Mike Pollard, Thomas Hewson and The Whins Farm Close team

Special mention to sub-contractors, Chris Black, Ben Campbell, Kyle Gillies and Dave Brown plus Mark Irving from Crindledyke.

Teamwork – office based: R4G Team

Unsung Hero – site based: Steven Park

Unsung Hero – office based: Jodie Jackson and Dan Talbot

STAR Award: Jane Graham

Jane Graham, Sales Executive collecting her STAR Award

Jane Graham, Sales Executive collecting her STAR Award

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