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Builder Bear entertains kids and highlights site safety

May 2013

Story Homes’ mascot Builder Bear had a busy bank holiday weekend, including a fun trip in an aerial ladder platform with Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service!

He also visited schoolchildren in Great Clifton and welcomed them to the Mabel Wood development for a site tour and a lesson about house building and health and safety.Builder Bear entertains kids and highlights site safety

Around 32 children from Derwent Vale Primary School in the village of Great Clifton visited the site and were able to ask questions and see properties at various build stages.

The previous week, Builder Bear had visited their school to help out with a health and safety talk. The class are currently doing a school project about house building and this was an opportunity for them to see a live building site close by.

Happy Mount Park near Lancaster was the setting for Builder Bear’s second trip of the weekend. He entertained the kids at the annual Teddy Bears Picnic, and even managed to play on the swings, ride on a train and talk the fire-fighters into letting him take a trip up the ladder.

Sean Trodden, Health and Safety Advisor for Story Homes said: “Builder Bear plays a big part in working with local children, teaching them about the process of building a new house and also making them aware of the potential dangers of a building site.

“We think it’s an important awareness exercise but it’s also a fun way to help the kids learn outside of the classroom environment.”

For more information about any of our developments, please visit the development pages on our website. You can also keep up to date with Builder Bear’s activities through our Facebook and Twitter pages.