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Detailed planning permission granted for homes in Seaton

July 2017

We are delighted with the decision by Allerdale Borough Council’s Development Panel to grant detailed planning permission for our proposals to build 69 new homes on land near The Coachman, in Seaton.  Our proposals will create a sustainable and integrated development that will make an important contribution to the district’s housing supply.

The proposed development would deliver a mix of dwellings, of which 13 are to be made available at discounted sale home ownership for local people.  Our proposals have been sensitively designed and we shall create a highly attractive street frontage at an entrance to the village.   We shall be introducing new street lighting and traffic calming measures to help reduce traffic speeds.  Our plans shall also incorporate safe open space and play area along with oversized SUDS pond to greatly improve the existing drainage.

Our development will create new employment opportunities for local contractors, with knock on effects for local supply chains and other local businesses and services.

We look forward to working in Seaton and bringing more of our high-quality homes to the area in the very near future.

To register your interest in this new development please enter your details below.