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Dream Placement for two lucky teens

February 2017


Katie Hague and Abbie Taylor

This half term more than seventy young people across the county are taking part in Dream Placements.

Katie Hague from Maryport and Abbie Taylor from Carlisle have been with Story Homes this week to gain an insight into the world of work as part of the Centre for Leadership Performance’s Dream Placement Scheme.

The week long placement differs from the usual type of work experience as the focus is on leadership. This will give the students valuable knowledge and skills in understanding how business leaders work and the challenges they face.

Their ‘mission’ for the week is to assess two pieces of land for potential development. They must understand the opportunities and constraints for each piece of land and at the end of the week they are to present their recommendations back to the team on the land recommending a development to progress.

Katie who is studying Maths, Spanish, English Literature and Business Studies is looking to understand the workplace and the types of career options available. At present, she is considering applying to take Economics at the London School of Economics.

“It’s so much more complex than I had anticipated. All of the various things that you need to take into account before you can even think about putting together a planning application. Plus, the time it takes from finding a piece of land to getting a digger on site, it really is such a long process!” said Katie.

Abbie is looking to narrow down her career options, as she has no ideas as to what she would like to do once she has been to University. She is currently studying English, Law and History and is considering applying to study either History or Law at University.

Abbie said; “There are departments and jobs that I didn’t even know existed, for example the Land team. There is whole team of people who are tasked with finding land, speaking to land owners, as
sessing the land and putting together planning applications. It’s so interesting.

“So far, I’ve been most interested in the technical team and the sales team. I’m looking forward to finding out more about what they do.”

Dream Placement, now in its fourth year was set up to attract and retain talent, spotlight what  businesses do, and show young people the breadth of fantastic opportunities for them in the county.

To learn more about Dream Placement 2017 visit

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