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Cosify your living room

October 2022

A living room is built for being ‘the cosy room’, especially at this time of the year. We want to help you create a cosy and stylish space this autumn to suit any of your upcoming occasions; entertaining or even just curling up with a good book.

Here are some small changes you could make to your living room this autumn.

Living room inspiration to make it feel cosy

1. Incorporate warm autumnal tones throughout the living room with your accessories

This can work well using pieces of artwork, cushions and throws.  Our artwork is from Desenio who stock a wide range of affordable prints and a range of matching frames.  We have featured a mix of cushions and throws to incorporate a cosy feel into the living room, which can be purchased almost anywhere, some of our favourites high street retailers are; John Lewis, Next, Dunelm and Marks & Spencer.

2. An open fire gives a wonderful warm glow and without a doubt creates a cosy feel in any room

A fireplace makes the perfect focal point in a room and works well with glass lanterns and candles on the fireplace, side tables and coffee tables. The lanterns we have used are from Tesco and the candles are from IKEA.

3. Try adding a gorgeous fluffy rug to your living room to create a central focus and added luxury

The rug in our images is from Homesense.

Or if you’re looking for how to create a cosy space that incorporates both the indoors and outdoors, here’s some autumnal evening inspiration.

Clear nights are the perfect time to enjoy a spot of star gazing – get the fire pit roaring, grab a hot chocolate and snuggle up under some warm blankets.

Have you been inspired by this article?

We would love to see how you’ve incorporated these ‘cosy’ themes into your decor. Let us know by using the hashtags #storyhomes or #mystoryhome with your photos on socials.

For more interior inspiration, watch our Interior Designers Q&A to find out how they bring a show home to life.