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Trend watch: Cosify your home

October 2020

Autumn is officially here and with it comes darker nights and cooler days – it seems summer has left without notice and our homes are in need of some layering to get them nice and cosy for the winter months to come. Here’s some of our tips for updating your home for the season.

Colour palette

Try adding warm colour tones throughout your home. This can be done with accessories, wall art or a lick of paint if you’re looking for a complete refresh. We particularly love using orange to do this, this colour adds so much warmth to the home and there are so many shades you can use. If it’s more of a subtle change you’re looking for that will fit with your current scheme, sandy tones work well too.



Now is the time to layer up! Simply switching lightweight fabrics for heavier knits and fur will do the trick, you can add cosy throws to your sofas and beds, and change your cushion covers for something thicker too. If you’ve got cotton bedding, now would be the perfect time to try something different that holds warmth; flannel bed linen can work really well for this.

In your living room you could add a textured rug to create a central focus and added warmth; this works particularly well if you have wooden floors. Invest in one or two larger cushions which will help make this space look and feel cosier.

If your kitchen is in need of some cosifying too, you could add a kitchen rug or runners to the kitchen table. Metal or wooden chairs instantly feel less cold when teamed with warm cushions too.


Autumn accessories

An easy way to make your home feel more seasonal is to invest in some simple autumnal accessories. From lanterns that add warmth and beautifully-scented candles bursting with scents of the season, to handmade wreaths that are made up of dried flowers and leaves (see our autumn wreaths trend post for inspiration), you can easily bring an autumnal feel to your home.

We love the use of pumpkins for Halloween throughout October too, they add a burst of colour whether you opt for real pumpkins or ceramic ones and you can have some fun with them!

Have you made your Story home cosy for the cooler months?

If you’ve updated your home with some cosy touches we’d love to see, tag us on Instagram @storyhomes.