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Story Homes team pull together for amazing community project

July 2013

Story Homes team pull together for amazing community projectStaff from Story Homes are teaming up to support a fantastic charitable community initiative.

The team of 13 joiners and brick layers are taking part in a house renovation in Abbeytown, Cumbria.

The project has been organised by the BBC’s well known TV show DIY SOS and aims to improve the facilities for a local family with a disabled child.

Joiners Lee Boyd, Brian Elliot, Dominic Hillon, James Hunter, Robert Graham, Willy Hall and Wayne Cartwright, as well as bricklayers Brian Morrey, Tony McLaughlan, Craig Marrs, Mark Wight, Phil Chandler and Carl Robertson are all pulling together to work 12 hour days on the project.

Their hard work and man power between Tuesday 2nd July and Thursday 11th July will help to create a much improved home and facilities for Rob, Shelly and their son Noah, born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus.

Look out for more information about the project and when you can watch it on the BBC.Story Homes team pull together for amazing community project 2