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The 2020 Budget – key points for housing

March 2020

In yesterday’s budget, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak unveiled a range of measures to deliver the 2019 Conservative manifesto, with housing on the agenda. The key outtakes include:

  • A new £12bn extension of the Affordable Homes Programme – revamping proposed tenure mix and geographical focus
  • £400m to establish housing on brownfield land across the country
  • Allocation from Housing Infrastructure Fund of £1.1bn for nine areas including Lancaster,  South Sunderland and Manchester to unlock 70,000 new homes
  • A long-term Single Housing Infrastructure Fund to unlock new homes in areas of high demand
  • Non-resident buyers of homes in Britain will have to pay an additional 2% stamp duty

Planning – Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick will make a statement on planning reforms and paving the way for a Housing White Paper aimed at bringing the planning system in to the 21st century. This should see a simpler planning system, improve performance of local authorities and accelerate the development process.

For further information about the 2020 Budget, click here.