A scheme to help vulnerable young people in North Allerdale has been given a helping hand thanks to a donation from Story Homes.
The award winning house builder has pledged to give £1,000 towards a programme which helps to improve the life chances of young people to live safe and fulfilled lives in Cumbria.
Sandra Keaveney from North Allerdale Development Trust Limited said: “This generous donation from Story Homes will help us to continue to grow the services we provide. To date we have supported more than 700 local young people and engaged with many more.
“Through our programmes we address the personal needs and issues of the individuals, tackle the root causes of these, allowing barriers to be broken down and personal development to increase which then stabilises their position allowing them to confidently make their own decisions, choices and move forward with their lives.”
Story Homes supports many community projects and prides itself on helping out in the areas where its developments are located.