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300 new family homes for Preston

September 2016

Following the signing of an agreement between Story Homes and the Homes and Communities Agency , 300 much needed family homes will be built at Eastway, a strategic site on the north side of Preston. Our D’Urton Manor development at Eastway is one of the eleven key sites that were identified as part of the 10 year City Deal signed by Preston, South Ribble and Lancashire Councils in 2013.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Peter Heyworth - Styleimage - Self billing applies where appropriate| 07833088488| | NO UNPAID USE

Founder and Chairman of Story Homes Fred Story with Chairman of the HCA Sir Edward Lister and Councillor Peter Rankin

Sir Edward Lister, Chairman of the Homes and Communities Agency said: “I am really pleased to be at D’Urton Manor because it is such a great example of the Homes and Communities Agency leading the way in driving the delivery of homes on surplus public sector land.

“Working closely with our partners Story Homes and Preston City Council we are turning the plans of the City Deal into the reality of new homes and successful places.”

D’Urton Manor is just to the south of the M6/M55 interchange has planning permission to provide 300 family homes which includes 45 affordable homes and a local centre providing shops, a community space and a care facility to complement the new homes.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Peter Heyworth - Styleimage - Self billing applies where appropriate| 07833088488| | NO UNPAID USE

Fred Story with Chairman of HCA Sir Edward Lister

Fred Story, Founder and Chairman of Story Homes said: “This is a significant development for Story Homes and it will deliver our second scheme in Preston with the Homes and Communities Agency and Preston City Council. D’Urton Manor will provide much needed family housing ranging in size from two to five bedroom homes.

“We believe the Story Homes offer is different to that of other developers currently active in the area and we believe our product will be something new, but will be in keeping with the Preston market.”

The development will not only retain existing ponds and trees, but will also create a new road, with a cycleway and improved pedestrian access to ensure that any additional traffic  will not create problems for local residents.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Peter Heyworth - Styleimage - Self billing applies where appropriate| 07833088488| | NO UNPAID USE

Councillor Peter Rankin with Fred Story

Councillor Peter Rankin, Leader of Preston City Council added: “Building new homes for families and future generations is key to Preston’s future success. And this is what City Deal is all about – investing in infrastructure and laying firm foundations for new homes, new jobs and a flourishing Preston and Lancashire economy.  Story Homes have a fantastic reputation, building award winning homes and we are delighted they are investing in Preston and building new homes for the future.  These really are exciting times for Preston.”