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A day in the life of Anees Siddique, Customer Service Advisor

October 2017

Anees is one of our Customer Service Advisors in the North West (Chorley). Here he gives an insight into what his role can involve day-to-day…

8am: I arrive at the office, log into my phone and ensure all my systems are up and running before the phone lines open.

8.30am: I call both of our Customer Service Technicians in the region, Carl and Malcolm, to check that they are en route to their first appointments and have a quick catch up before they arrive on site.

9am: The phone lines officially open so I start receiving calls from customers. The enquiries we receive are very varied, so I never know exactly what to expect on any given day. This can be challenging at times but I like the fact that every day is different, and that I am always learning.

10am: During time between calls, I check emails that have come through to our region’s Customer Service inbox, and work through these new enquiries as well as continuing any existing conversations.

2pm: I have a quick meeting with my manager so that I can update her on the queries that have come through so far today, and she offers me guidance and support to resolve anything more complex.

3.30pm: Any courtesy calls that need to be logged on our system will be completed, and I usually contact the Technicians again to find out how their appointments have gone.

5pm: Time to log off, but I keep an eye on the phones and have a final check of my emails in case of any last minute customer enquiries.