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Baby boom at The Woodlands

July 2016

Poppy Jones with Ella Jones, Laura Charlton, Vicky Robinson, Marie-Claire Watson

New home, new baby may be an old wives saying, but there might be some truth in the tale for families at Story Homes’ Shotley Bridge housing development.

More than six mothers at The Woodlands are currently expecting, and the sales executive Vicky Robinson is also awaiting the pitter patter of tiny feet.

For resident Poppy Jones, her 14-week-old baby Ella has already made an appearance, and is currently enjoying life as a resident at The Woodlands.

Poppy said: “We moved onto the site in November 2015, and really love living here. The homes are unique as they have been built to Lifetime Homes standard – which means there is plenty of space for pushchairs. The drive-to-door walk is flat which is really handy! I don’t know many other mums on the estate so it is great to meet up thanks to Vicky’s introduction.”

Fellow mum Marie-Claire Watson is expecting her second baby. She moved into the former show home on the development almost two years ago.

She said: “It has been great to watch the site grow and develop around us – it now has a fantastic community feel. Lots of people on the development also have dogs so we see them regularly enjoying the nearby Derwent Walk.”

Laura Charlton, 27, recently moved back to the North East from East Boldon to be nearer her mum and dad. She is expecting a baby girl with her husband Chris in October.

She said: “I hardly know anyone on the estate yet as we have not lived here for long. Already I can tell it has a great family atmosphere – I know we are going to love raising our family here.”

Sales executive Vicky Robinson has worked for Story Homes on the Shotley Bridge site since it opened in February 2012.

She said: “One of my favourite things about my job is getting to know the families that move onto The Woodlands. It has been absolutely lovely to watch their journeys, from choosing their properties, moving onto the site and now starting to build families.

“It’s a really unique development here and the residents have started to build up a friendly and supportive community which is great to see.”