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Building a new talent pool

September 2015

We are laying the foundations for the future of the industry by taking steps to develop new talent. Story Homes is aiming to tackle the growing skills shortage in the construction industry by broadening the range of apprenticeships it offers and introducing a graduate scheme.

Shelley Hayward, Learning and Development Manager for Story Homes added: “We are committed to providing young people with meaningful opportunities that help develop careers within the construction industry and we will be increasing the range of apprenticeships we offer in 2016.Story-Apprentices-7435

“Encouraging young talent into the industry is hugely important — it’s vital for our business and for the whole construction sector. That’s why, in addition to increasing our apprentice intake we also launched a graduate scheme this year.”

In Lancashire it has teamed up with Calico to offer roles to Blackpool teenagers Lee Kirkham and Kyle Hendrie at Brookwood Park in Kirkham, through their Constructing the Future programme.

Constructing the Future offers placements for young people, who are employed through the scheme and then placed with local contractors for short term work placements. Lee and Kyle are learning the skills of the trade under the watchful eye of Story Homes site manager Steve Birch.

“The scheme works well because it gives Lee and Kyle valuable experience of life on a building site and for us it’s a way of nurturing young talent coming into the industry,” says Steve. “It’s a real chance for them to shine and if they do well they’ll have every opportunity to go further.

“There is a skills shortage in the construction industry generally and anything that can be done to address that has to be a positive.”Story-Apprentices-7408

Work on site at Brookwood Park, a development of 117 new homes in Kirkham, is now well underway and the show homes opens this weekend, Saturday 3 October 2015.