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Track Record mortgage

Buying your own Story home may be closer than you think with a deposit-free 100% mortgage from Skipton Building Society, where you don’t need to wait until you’ve saved for a deposit.

What is a Track Record mortgage?

The Track Record Mortgage with Skipton Building Society allows first-time buyers to buy a home with a deposit-free 100% mortgage meaning you don’t need to save for a deposit. You can borrow up to £600,000 towards any home, including new build houses like a Story home.

If you have a track record of paying rent and household bills for a minimum of 12 months, this could be the perfect option for you. This product has a fixed interest rate for five years so you have peace of mind that there won’t be any unexpected changes within that time.

Who is eligible for a Track Record mortgage?

To apply for a Track Record mortgage, you must be a first-time buyer aged 21 and over with a clear record of paying rent and bills for a minimum of 12 months. You need to make sure you haven’t missed any payments during the last six months too.

Although you may have managed to save some money for a deposit before this mortgage product was released, you must have less than a 5% deposit against the home you would like to buy.

Ready to apply for a Track Record mortgage?

To apply for a Track Record mortgage, read the full criteria and find out how much you could borrow, head to Skipton Building Society’s website here.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. All mortgages are subject to status and lender criteria. Please note that this product may be withdrawn at any time, without notice. Terms and conditions apply.