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Celebrating National Customer Service Week

October 2017

We are pleased to be supporting National Customer Service Week (NCSW), an annual event led by The Institute of Customer Service ‘to raise awareness of customer service and the vital role it plays in successful business practice and the growth of the UK economy’.

As a company we have placed strong focus on quality and customer service throughout the 30 years that we have been in business. It remains a key priority, as demonstrated by our recent investment in enhancing our customer experience with the appointments of a Head of Customer Experience and a Quality Assurance Project Manager, and with the upcoming launch of new technologies, including a customer portal hosting all the key information throughout the home-buying process.

Tracy Calvert, Head of Customer Experience, said: “National Customer Service Week is a great opportunity for us to celebrate our achievements, recognise the colleagues who provide exceptional service to our customers every day, and share some of our upcoming plans to improve even further.

“We are more committed to the customer experience than ever, with significant investment already made in developing a market-leading customer journey to both new and existing customers. We are proud to have a culture at Story Homes where everyone understands the importance of excellent customer service and knows the role they play in the journey.”

We will be sharing updates around NCSW all week on our website and across our social media channels.