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Chartered Accountant showcases bespoke system at San Francisco conference

May 2014

A chartered accountant from Story Homes will be showcasing a forward thinking business tool at an accounting conference in San Francisco.

John Story, Land Valuation Manager, will be speaking at HUB 2014 on Friday 16 May. John, 27, has played an instrumental role in implementing Anaplan into the Story Homes house building business, helping to support the rapid growth of the company by managing the finance systems.

Anaplan is a finance platform used to create bespoke integrated and complex financial models. John will be presenting the land viability model which he created within the Anaplan system, explaining the system and its benefits to hundreds of delegates.

John, who lives in Carlisle, is the son of local businessman and company founder Fred Story and John previously worked for KPMG in Newcastle before joining Story Homes.

John said: “Story Homes has worked with Anaplan to improve the land viability process and with the recent improvements we have implemented into the system; we are finding it much easier to get everybody in the organisation to use the system and work more efficiently. I will be showcasing our model at the conference in May to show others how the new capabilities have helped us to make our own improvements.”

Fred Laluyaux, Chief Executive of Anaplan said: “HUB 2014 is an opportunity for our team to host global leaders and give them an open forum to share their experiences leading companies in today’s challenging market. I expect these dynamic speakers to bring great value to the conversation of how enterprises can become more agile and innovative and increase their ability to scale to opportunities.”

John Story

John Story

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