The Cumbria in Bloom ‘Pride in Your Community’ Award Ceremony was held at the North Lakes Hotel, Penrith last week.
Gardeners from all across the county converged on the venue to collect their coveted awards. Every year, volunteers, businesses and local authorities work behind the scenes to keep the county’s towns and villages “blooming” lovely for both residents and visitors.
This year 27 ‘in bloom’ groups entered the main competition, The Royal Horticulture Society’s (RHS) ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ with Story Homes sponsoring the overall ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ Outstanding Award.
The RHS ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ campaign supports local community groups in cleaning up and greening up their immediate local environment – whether that’s the street they live in, or a small patch of communal land needing a revamp. It is a grassroots community gardening campaign helping people to make lasting improvements to their local areas.
Egremont Town Council, won the “Outstanding” award for receiving recognition at Cumbria in Bloom for three years in a row thanks to the work of Nelson Shepherd who works in Egremont cemetery.
Nelson said “Egremont Town Council had no idea that the Jubilee Garden was being considered for such a prestigious award, it’s never been given out before, and myself and Councillors feel honoured to have won. I am particularly proud of what has been achieved from this once derelict toilet site into the beautiful garden it is today. It is a pleasure for me to spend time nurturing the garden to make it the best it can possibly be”
Nelson thanked Adam McNally for the £75 prize award and said the Town Council would put this money back into the garden to ensure it remains at its best.
Adam McNally, planner from Story Homes said “ It was a pleasure to take part in the awards. The passion, commitment and dedication of the ‘In Bloom’ Groups and volunteers, giving their time to their local community is absolutely fantastic.
“What some of these groups and individuals have achieved is great, and bringing communities together to care about their neighbourhoods is admirable.”
Story Homes are committed to giving something back to the local community and we fully support others do the same.