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Exclusive sneak peek of new show homes at Brookfield Woods, Acklam

April 2020

We know you were excited to see our new show homes at Brookfield Woods this month. We were too. Although you can’t see them in person right now, we thought we’d offer some interior design inspiration by sharing the mood boards from our talented designers.

We have three brand new show homes opening at the development this summer which will be the first Story Collection homes to open in the North East – the three-bedroom Butler, the four-bedroom Harrison and the five-bedroom Charlton.

These show homes will be beautifully styled by our interior designers Abode and will allow potential home buyers to see the space, quality features and attention to detail that set Story homes apart. These new homes will give a real insight into the luxury lifestyle that a Story home can provide

The colour palettes in these homes include cool greys, cosy neutral shades and pops of bold colours and patterns to draw the eye to key areas. Abode will also use statement pieces of furniture and carefully selected blends of fabrics to add a touch of luxury to the living spaces. The overall look and feel of the homes will be chic and sophisticated.

Brookfield Woods is a sought-after development of three, four and five-bedroom homes in Acklam, Middlesbrough. For more information about this development or to book a virtual appointment with our Sales Executive, please call 07976 751746 or email Our team is available to help 7 days a week, from 10am to 5pm.

We know you were excited to see our new show homes at Brookfield Woods this month. We were too. Although you can’t see them in person right now, we thought we’d offer some interior design inspiration by sharing the mood boards from our talented designers.

We have three brand new show homes opening at the development this summer which will be the first Story Collection homes to open in the North East – the three-bedroom Butler, the four-bedroom Harrison and the five-bedroom Charlton.

These show homes will be beautifully styled by our interior designers Abode and will allow potential home buyers to see the space, quality features and attention to detail that set Story homes apart. These new homes will give a real insight into the luxury lifestyle that a Story home can provide

The colour palettes in these homes include cool greys, cosy neutral shades and pops of bold colours and patterns to draw the eye to key areas. Abode will also use statement pieces of furniture and carefully selected blends of fabrics to add a touch of luxury to the living spaces. The overall look and feel of the homes will be chic and sophisticated.

Brookfield Woods is a sought-after development of three, four and five-bedroom homes in Acklam, Middlesbrough. For more information about this development or to book a virtual appointment with our Sales Executive, please call 07976 751746 or email Our team is available to help 7 days a week, from 10am to 5pm.