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Final two CMLs at Dovecote Place, Newburn Rd

May 2020

We are pleased to share the news that we have received the final two CMLs (i.e. the houses have been signed off by the Council for Mortgage Lenders) at Dovecote Place, Newburn Road. Both properties are 3-bedroom ‘Hastings’ house types and will complete the development of 70 homes.

Michael Young, Assistant Site Manager at the development, said:

“It’s great to see building come to an end at Dovecote Place and to see the thriving community that exists there now. I’d like to say well done to our Sales team for their efforts in selling the final plots, and to the wider site team for their high quality work.”

Dovecote Place is located on Newburn Road between the villages of Newburn and Throckley, and features a range of three and four-bedroom homes.

We look forward to seeing the final families move onto the development, adding to the strong sense of community that already exists.