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First look at the new headquarters

July 2014

Computer generated images show how Story Homes’ new headquarters will look once building work is complete.

Story Homes recently purchased the building on Kingmoor Park in Carlisle, with plans to move from their current office on Burgh Road Industrial Estate.

The Kingmoor office building is currently being revamped by Story Homes’ sister company Story Contracting and is due to be ready for occupation in January 2015.

Story Homes has outgrown its current office after recruiting more than 65 members of staff in the last 18 months to support the growth of the business. Story Homes has grown by 65% in the last year alone.

Steve Errington, Chief Executive of Story Homes said: “Although we are revamping this iconic building into a modern and functional office space, we are really keen to ensure that we retain some of the original features of the building and keep the history and it’s past alive. We would be really interested to hear from anybody who has been linked with the building in the past, especially those who have worked there.”

Jo Taylor of Houghton was a former Civilian Head of Establishment at the depot and worked in the building, and dealt with the closure in 1997. Jo said of the building’s change of use: “I worked in the building on and off throughout my RAF career, with my Dad also working at the depot, my brother and sister having roles there and my own daughter also worked there too. The depot and the building has a lot of memories for us I’m really pleased to hear that the character and period of the building is going to be retained and the history of the headquarters will be celebrated by Story Homes.”

The Cumberland News is currently running a feature asking for memories from people who once worked in the former RAF 14MU headquarters.

If you have any images or memories you want to share, please email Courtyard