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Glorious day for the Dalston Show

August 2017

The Story Homes sales team and Builder Bear were delighted to attend the Dalston Show last Saturday on what turned out to be a glorious day.

Saturday 12 August saw the return of the popular Dalston Show, with the local community coming out in force to support the annual event. With many activities for all the family including horse jumping and vintage vehicles a good day was had by all.

Story Homes’ very own mascot, Builder Bear, was also enjoying the sunshine and entertaining the crowds throughout the day. He could be seen posing for photographs, handing out balloons and dancing along to the band.

The sales team were also on hand with goodie bags and balloons, and with St Andrew’s View in Thursby just a few miles away, there was keen interest from show-goers regarding our new build homes in the local area.

For further information on St Andrew’s View please call Tracey on 07870 880541. Our marketing suite is open Thursday to Monday from 10.30am until 4.30pm.