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Green fingered children plant a legacy for their community

November 2013

Mabel Wood Tree Planting - November 2013 (22)Public open space at one of Story Homes’ most popular developments was transformed by the local community this week.

Pupils from Derwent Vale Primary School and Nursery School in Great Clifton teamed up with Great Clifton Parish Council to plant a number of trees close to Mabel Wood development.

The event was part of a wider project, led by the Parish Council and the school, to plant trees around the village, replacing older ones which had died or been destroyed. Engagement from the local children was encouraged to help them take ownership for the new trees.

A group of eight children, chosen because they live close to the new development,  planted around 15 trees behind a number of the completed houses at Mabel Wood, taking care to protect them from the winter weather.

Mabel Wood Tree Planting - November 2013 (13)Tony Spence, Quality Manager from Story Homes said: “We regularly invite local schools and communities onto our sites so that they can see the quality and stunning individual design of our developments and learn about the house building process. Tree planting by the local children is a great legacy activity and we hope that they can come back in the future to see how the trees have grown and enhanced their community and surroundings.”

Bulb planting on the approach road at Mabel Wood was also being carried out this week. Westwood Nurseries worked on behalf of Story Homes to plant up the avenue, helping to enhance the development further.

Mabel Wood Tree Planting - November 2013 (24)