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Have you heard what’s happening down at Lancaster Moor?

September 2013

Lancaster StreetsceneStory Homes. Heard us mentioned in Lancaster but not too sure who we are? Seen our machinery working nearby and wondered what is going on? You are going to be seeing a bit more of us and our beautiful homes over the next few months as we have been lucky enough to work with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to bring some life back into the land surrounding the former Lancaster Moor hospital. Our development has been in the pipeline for a few months now but we are finally on site and you will no doubt see us working on Quernmore Road as we widen the junction, making it safer and providing an appropriate access route for us to begin work on site. This development is a big deal for us and we are going to make it absolutely fantastic, no doubt about that! We are building 197 beautiful homes on the land and the development will be known as High Wood. In turn, our development has opened up the opportunity for a specialist company to convert the former hospital building into a number of apartments. Thanks to our funding this stunning building will be brought back into use and will complement the traditional exterior of our homes. Our sustainable community, which will be known as High Wood, will include three, four and five bedroom houses, ranging from detached, semi detached and terraced to town houses. The DurhamWe are also making provision for outdoor space, new footpaths and cycle ways which link to the existing network. We are not afraid to admit that we are rightly very proud of these plans and we can’t wait to share them with you over the next few weeks! Our blog will keep you updated with progress over the coming months as we recruit local staff and contractors, lay the foundations and then prepare our sales centre and show homes. We will also give you some inside information on the design and build process of our high quality and high specification homes. Most importantly, we want to answer all of your questions along the way. If you really want to know something about us, our homes or anything else for that matter, leave a comment on the blog and we will make sure we try our best to answer.

Back soon!

Story Homes