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Ian Storey joins exclusive panel to discuss development opportunities in Cumbria

February 2017

Our Managing Director for Cumbria, Ian Storey, joins Place North West and an exclusive panel in Kendal today, to discuss how we maximise development opportunities arising from energy projects across the North and especially Cumbria.

The panel will be discussing the property potential offered by nuclear, on-shore and off-shore renewable power generation as well as redeveloping legacy sites such as former oil plants will all feature on the agenda. The event is aimed not only at companies interested in building energy facilities but also those people wishing to tap into the residential and commercial potential of housing workers and supplying new premises for supply chains.

A mixture of expert presentations and panel discussions will examine issues around planning, funding, community engagement, regulatory frameworks and other challenges and opportunities facing this highly-political sector.

Ian will join a panel of North West specialists including Savills, Horizon Nuclear Power and Menai Science Park, commercial agents Pinkus & Co and law firm Nabarro.