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Introducing virtual appointments

March 2020

Although our marketing suites and show homes remain closed until further notice, we’re still open for business. Whilst we’re disappointed we can’t meet you in person, we are committed to supporting our customers during these challenging times which is why we are pleased to be able to now offer ‘virtual appointments.’

Our helpful Sales Executives remain on hand 7 days a week to assist you by telephone, email or video call.

Not sure how to reserve your dream Story home ‘virtually’? Here’s how it works:


  1. Firstly, contact the Sales Executive at the development of your choice by phone or email, then arrange and attend your virtual appointment
  2. Select your new dream Story home then contact a recommended mortgage expert who will provide you with guidance and advice over the phone
  3. You can now reserve your selected home for the reduced reservation fee of just £250
  4. Finally, you’ll appoint a conveyancing solicitor and mortgage expert. They’ll be able to deal with your transaction and process your mortgage application over the phone and via email
  5. And that’s it – sit back, relax and wait for your dream Story home to be ready


Our Sales Executives are available 7 days a week, so don’t delay and book your virtual appointment today! Simply visit our website homepage, select the development of your choice and give our Sales Executive a call.