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National Citizen Service group take inspiring words from Chairman Fred

September 2015

Story Homes’ Chairman and Owner Fred Story has been inspiring young adults as part of the National Citizen Service (NCS) programme. Working alongside the NCS Trust, entrepreneur Fred Story recently spent time with a group of 16 and 17 year olds in Carlisle, talking to them about grasping opportunities given to them, work ethic, success in their chosen areas and inspiring them to think about their communities and their future. The youngsters will now develop a social action project to deal with a local issue they’re passionate about, and spend 30 hours putting the project into action in their own community. The programme for the NCS Trust is delivered by Inspira and aims to offer the youngsters a once in a lifetime opportunity to build skills for work and life, while taking on new challenges and meeting new people. NCS is a Government backed scheme which runs in Spring, Summer and Autumn and includes a community project and a skills building residential away from home. NCS brings together young people from different backgrounds and helps them develop greater confidence, self-awareness and responsibility. It encourages personal and social development by working on skills like leadership, teamwork and communication.

For more information about NCS visit: