We have successfully secured the backing from Lancaster City Council with outline planning approved for up to 90 new homes in Halton, Lancaster.
Lancaster City Council resolved to approve the application for up to 90 dwellings, subject to signing of a Section 106 agreement between ourselves and the council.
The site will provide a range of high quality and high specification detached and semi-detached family homes, some of these new homes are likely to be affordable.
Martin Nugent, development planner said: “We are delighted to have received the backing of Lancaster City Council in respect to our planned development of up to 90 new homes in Halton. We are excited about the prospect of bringing forward our third development in Lancaster.
“The scheme is currently in outline but will complement the existing character of the village and provide open space for the use of the whole community. The homes will also help boost the supply of much needed new homes and make a contribution towards the supply of affordable housing in Halton.
“We will also be making a financial contribution towards improvements to the playing pitch on the north side of Low Road and a financial contribution towards providing additional primary school places within the village.
“Our proposals will also provide local contractors with opportunities for work, and there will be knock on benefits for local supply chains and other local businesses and services.”
We will go forward with public consultation in respect to our detailed plans in Summer 2017 and subject to reserved matters approval we expect to start work on site in early 2018.
The plans will help the local authority address the under-delivery of housing in Lancaster by boosting the supply. It would also offer affordable housing to address the needs in the borough.
The development will provide opportunities for local contractors as well as benefits for local supply chains. Employment opportunities would be created both directly through Story Homes and indirectly through the knock on effect for local businesses.
Story Homes has two other developments in the Lancaster area, with homes currently on sale at High Wood in the city centre and The Silks in Galgate.