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Peace of mind with Part Exchange as the Wilcoxes move to The Ridings

May 2017

Story Homes’ part exchange scheme was the perfect solution for the Wilcox family as they moved to their dream home at ‘The Ridings’ in Carlisle.

Chris and Becky Wilcox, and their two children Lucy (11) and Calum (8) had been living in their family home for 12 years with no plans to move.

Becky started working for us in Autumn 2016 within the projects team as a systems implementer, while Chris works locally as a web designer.

“We weren’t thinking of moving, but having just started working at Story Homes I thought we should probably walk round and take a look at the show home as we lived round the corner – and just two months later here we are living half a mile down the road!” said Becky.

The couple lived just five minutes’ walk from ‘The Ridings’ and are delighted that the children can continue going to the same schools and that they can walk back down the road to friends and family.


Becky went on to say; “We loved the show home and when we found out we were eligible for the Story Homes part exchange scheme that was the decision maker. It gave us so much peace of mind – not only did it guarantee we had a buyer for our home but we also didn’t have to move out of our home until our new home was ready.”

“Plus, when we did, we had the entire weekend to move. Using part exchange really took the pressure off, especially with us having a young family.”

The family has purchased a four-bedroom Taunton, with an integrated garage which is perfect for their needs.

Sales Manager Carreana Taylor said: “That so many of my colleagues live in a Story Home really speaks for itself. Becky joined the company and then fell in love with our homes!

“I was delighted when she qualified for part exchange. It’s a stress-free way to buy and sell your home, with no chain, no hassle. Plus there are no estate agent fees, and the buyers can stay in their own home until their brand new home is ready to move into.”

With the Story Homes Part Exchange Scheme, we could buy your property for up to 100% of its market value, effectively acting as a cash buyer for your property, saving you the time, hassle and stress involved in selling your own home. Find out more about our Part Exchange scheme here.

The Ridings is proving to be very popular as the first phase of homes is now completely sold out. The developer has recently launched the second phase of the development which will deliver homes on the fringe of the local park, Hammonds Pond.

To find out more information, call in to see the Sarah, our sales executive, at the marketing suite which is open Thursday to Monday from 10.30am to 4.30pm.