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Residents can make the most of development travel plan

May 2014

The first residents to move into High Wood in Lancaster can take advantage of the developments very own travel plan.

Story Homes’ first development in Lancashire has a travel plan to help residents discover healthier and more environmentally friendly ways to travel.Lancaster High Wood Streetscene

Anybody moving onto the 197 home development will receive an introductory pack with details covering walking, cycling, bus and train travel. There is also access to a car share database to allow residents to get to know their neighbours and half fuel costs. A dedicated website has also been created for residents to view the travel information and find out more about the benefits of changing their travel habits.

Ian Storey, Technical Director for Story Homes said: “The travel plan is an opportunity for residents at High Wood to think about how they travel to and from their home to other destinations. There are a whole range of options available to them, many of which we have invested in and upgraded to make living at and travelling to High Wood an enjoyable experience.”

Story Homes has paid a transport contribution of £500,000 to Lancaster City Council for the provision or enhancement of a bus service linking High Wood with Lancaster city centre, including increased peak hour services and potential evening and Sunday services.

The transport contribution is also to be used towards the provision of new cycle and footpath routes linking the High Wood to other developments in the area. A 20mph limit road safety scheme in the East Road area of Lancaster, in the vicinity of the Royal Grammar School, is also to be provided as part of the transport contribution.

Travel plans are becoming more and more common on Story Homes developments with Cairns Chase in Stainburn, Crindledyke in Carlisle and The Beeches in Kendal, The Grange in Dalston and The Ridings in Blackwell also due to have travel plans.

For more information visit